A downloadable game for Windows

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Read Before Play

If you find the game hard, you can left click while you hold a stamp. This will return stamps rotation to normal. :D

Don't forget to unzip the file before playing!

This game has been made for Boğaziçi Game Jam 2021 in 48 hours.

Please mention the developers in the game credits before playing if you are a streamer.

Trailer, gameplay video and story is down below. (Story includes spoilers.)

Don't forget to share the funniest paper you encounter with us in the comments!

My hat, my beatiful hat... Who knows where you are now, who knows who will find you out there and who knows how much I missed you...

I talk to myself about how I will take revenge but everytime I can't figure out how I will do it. One day I will find a way and I WILL MAKE HIM PAY FOR THIS! But until that time I should keep working...



Game Design, Game Development, Enviroment Design, Shader Design

Güven GÜRÜNLÜ - Gwen

3D Design,  EnviromentDesign

Mustafa KILIÇ - Fausta

Sound Design, Game Design, Story Telling

Ali Ege ZABCI - Zyve

2D Textures, Illustration, Game Design


Shift - Zoom In

E - Pick Up Object, Release Picked Up Object

R and Scroll - Rotate Picked Up Object.

Left Mouse Button - Interact [Only With Printer And Stamp (While Picked Up)]

Right Mouse Button - Throw Picked Up Object

Story (Includes Spoilers)

In this universe, a company named Afterlife's workers decide where will dead people go (heaven or hell) and one day we become one of those workers.

 Even though we were doing our job correctly in the first place, everthing turnes upside down with our boss throwing our precious hat to the gap and makes fun of it.

After "the accident" we start to annoy our boss and take our revenge via sending good people to hell and bad people to heaven.

After some time, our boss gets pretty angry and tries to stop us. He confuses our head and takes away our stamps.

In the end we go to the boss's place and take our revenge.

Instructions (Includes Spoilers)

Tutorial: Send five people to where they should go.

Start Of The Game:  Send fifteen people to where they shouldn't go.

After Stamps Disapper: Throw three papers to the gap.


Every asset in the game except some sounds and musics are made by Remoob in two days. Assets used from internet:




Also some sounds made by Madrooster GGJ21 Sound Library (Jam sponsor).

This game has been made just for fun purposes, every character and universe is imaginary and irrelevant from reality. There is no connection between any religions.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags3D, Casual, Comedy, First-Person, Funny, Short, Singleplayer, toon, Unity


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

AfterlifeLLCV021.rar 47 MB

Development log


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Works fine with Wine on GNU/Linux using WineD3D or Vulkan*.
Tried with wine-staging 6.10 on Arch Linux 5.12.9-1 x86_64.

Some noticeable problems with Wine:

  • Significant performance problems.
  • Actions like picking up things and throwing them are magnificently slow.
  • Causes sound crackles on some audio systems.
  • Occasional crashes when minimizing.
  • Collisions are glitchy.

* Not played for a long period of time. Requires DXVK.